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Payworld Cash Point

Cash Points, basically, are another term for an Automated Teller Machine, more popularly known as ATMs. For a metropolitan city, ATMs are an everyday sight. But what about the rural man who has to walk endless kilometres just to withdraw some cash? Payworld recognized this need and acted upon it. In 2015, Intelligent Electronic Transaction

Payworld Bazaar for Rural India

Rural consumers currently represent a large percentage of consuming class and are the prime target market for consumer goods and essential services such as education, healthcare and employment. Despite such an open market, around 68% of the rural economy still lies untapped. Given the immense scope of application of Information and Communication Technology tools for

Payworld Cash Points

Money is a critical resource needed by all individuals for their daily functioning. In many instances, we have sufficient funds in our bank account but often run out of liquidity in our wallet. Further, accessing this money can be quite difficult at times like when one is travelling. Many times it happens that while on

Online Money Transfer. Dare to put away the Scare!

The online money transfer business has witnessed a massive growth in the past decade globally. India’s domestic remittance market alone has grown consistently at a CAGR of 10.3% in the years 2008-2013, as declared by the NSSO – National Sample Survey Organisation. Both rural and urban areas in India have seen large scale transfers being

The world of Payworld

With the advent of internet in India, the monetary payment structures have been revolutionized within the nation. We have reached a point where you as a consumer or a producer are able to conduct monetary transactions without stepping out of their house. Even private players are entering the market, offering more user friendly services. Newly
